Date and time

January 5, 2024 · 8am - 2pm EST

About this event

You're probably one of the many highly successful business leaders that sets goals each year. This event is designed to take those goals to the next level!

In addition to setting goals for personal and business, engaging in goal setting as a couple can bring connection and unity when implemented correctly. For many spouses, achieving goals together can bring excitement and greater success with achieving goals when working towards a common purpose.

Using Higher Impact’s proven system for goal planning, you can reap tremendous rewards in your business, personal life, and marriage. Don’t miss this full-day event!

Your day will include setting your business goals, family goals, marriage goals, spiritual goals, exercise goals, and whatever goals are most meaningful to you. You will walk away feeling ready to tackle your goals for 2024 in a way you have never been able to before!

This workshop has a one-time cost of $497. BUT - if you bring a friend or another couple, we will take $97 off your registration fee when they register! Your guest(s) may attend for $97, but they must reach out to Coach Karl to register.

Register Here

This workshop includes:

Our 15-page workbook that
can be used year after year

An exceptionally delectable
and flavorful meal.

Personal and collaborative
teaching and training

Two-week community health
check and follow-up

Coach Karl’s sample goals
to help you get started

A digital version containing
teaching materials and files

Bonus: Team Goal Planning
Training—Achieve alignment
within your team!

Karl Diffenderfer is a Certified Master Business & Performance Coach.

Karl's efforts resulted in the creation of an award-winning marketing firm that generated over $100 million for its customers from the ground up. At the age of 32, he decided to sell the company to transition into coaching. Over the past ten years, he has made it to the top 4% of business coaches in the world.

Karl’s core focus is mentoring Kingdom-minded business owners, eliminating issues that leave many owners feeling trapped and alone. Karl creates sustainable 2x growth through his business operating system that creates control and massive growth in a business.